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My target 150kms

I'm living fearlessly this September by walking or bike riding 150km in the Live Fearless Challenge 2024
There has been so many years in my journey of Crohn’s where doing a challenge like this wouldn’t have been possible! But thanks to my stoma I’m now able to!
All proceeds go towards Crohn's & Colitis Australia's support services, research initiatives, education and advocacy programs for the Crohn's and colitis community.
Thank you and see you at the finish line!
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My Story with Crohn’s
As a 20 year old I had suffered with frequent bowel movements, but as most 20 olds it wasn’t something I wanted to talk about. So I ignored my symptoms because you know that’s what you do when you just want something to go away!
Unfortunately it didn’t just go away and I developed an external draining fistula (I know, no idea what that is? I didn’t either!) It’s basically a tunnel from my bowel that had come out to my skin. I also ignored this despite being in a crazy amount of pain, and it controlling everything I did. You see I had just moved out of home with my partner. I don’t want to be sick, so again I just ignored it… this was exactly what I shouldn’t have done. You see as had I ignored my symptoms for too long, the fistula had become infected yet I still ignored it..
My partner could see I was ignoring everything that was going on, and it took him threatening to leave (we all know he wasn’t actually going to leave ? ) for me to eventually go see a doctor. I was quickly booked in for surgery to clean and open up the fistula and referred straight to a gastroenterologist. I needed to start medications straight away so I started on immurane and after failing that was put on to infliximab via a 6 weekly infusion up at the hospital in the chemo ward. I was in remission and finally had some what of a semi normal life!
After several years on infliximab , I fell pregnant with my daughter and continued throughout my pregnancy until the third trimester . I recommenced when my daughter was several months old
and due to the type of drug infliximab was my daughter was unable to have any live vaccines for the first 12 months of her life. When my daughter was around 9 months old I noticed a small scab on the top of my head and didn’t think much of it. I ended up loosing a lot of hair resulting having a bald patch the size of my hand . Eventually the doctors figured out I had drug induced psoriasis and also developed drug induced lupus. I was taken off infliximab immediately and that’s when things went down hill.
After a rough 8ish months of being on high dose steroids, loosing 15kg, more trips to Adelaide and emergency surgeries, the doctors and surgeons decided the best plan of action was to remove everything below my small bowel and give me a permanent stoma. My surgeon was a bit reluctant and wanted to do the surgery over a couple surgery’s with the final surgery being after I had finished my family but once again my body had other plans and my bowel was too far gone so it all needed to go. My surgeon explained this would mean a drop in fertility of 40%. I was scared as we wanted another baby one day, but it wasn’t going to happen while I was this sick either and I was sick of hiding from the world.
I was excited. I guess some people might think this is odd but finally there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Finally I would be able to leave the house and build memories with my family. My date was booked and plans began, but unfortunately covid had other plans.
On the week of my surgery the hospital went into lock down and were only performing category 1 and 2 surgeries. My surgeon explained I could still go ahead with my surgery as it was urgent but I wouldn’t be able to have a support person with me.. after some discussion he advised waiting a week to see if the restrictions lifted at all but if they hadn’t we would have to go ahead anyway.
A week later my surgery went ahead.
I had to enter the hospital alone and wait alone but when I woke up my husband was there. The next couple of days were rough requiring plasma and blood transfusions but once that was over my focus turned to getting home and seeing my daughter.
Once I got home other than a couple of hiccups, my life was better than ever and with in a couple weeks of my surgery I was out going for walks and doing things with my family I would have never done before my surgery!
Just 6 short weeks later I fell pregnant with my second child! He is now a crazy 2 year old and the final piece to our puzzle!
Since my surgery I have a life.
I can take the kids out on my own, I can go shopping, I can go out to dinner with my friends! I can even go places there isn’t a toilet!!!
I’m raising money this year so they can continue to help others living with Crohn’s and colitis have a normal life!
Thank you to my Sponsors

Harry & Winston Davies

Michelle Hayes

Ruth Bland
You're such an inspiration Maddi, you'll smash this ❤️

Christine Neumann
Go Maddi 🥳❤️❤️

Maddi :)

Grace De Cesare
Mads! What a roller coaster. So glad to hear you’re living life again with your little family. They’re so lucky to have a superhero Mum in you!

Renee And Mick ♥️
You have showed so much strength over the years! James and the kids would be so proud of you, like the rest of us.

Sara Mcmanus
An incredible read Maddi, you deserve to feel very proud for all you have achieved throughout such a difficult time. Good luck with your fundraising goal xx

Lacey & Paulie
Here you go! Got you over the line for that goal of yours now go bigger and better!

With Love From The Potters

So proud of you Maddi and such an inspirational read xx ❤️

Jo-anne Warner
Beyond Brave Maddi, just like your Mama. Best Wishes.

Helen Neale
Our Team

Angus Yallop

Ash Mckee

Belinda Lesi

Hannah Malycha

Maddison Stephens

Rhiannon Jones

Sarah Starkey (C)

Stephanie Foran