Olympia Kalogeras

My Activity Tracking


My target 150kms

Total activity 87kms

I'm living fearlessly this September by participating in the Live Fearless Challenge 2023

It’s long overdue, but i am getting active and plan to run (and walk) 150kms in September to raise awareness, and much needed funds, for Australians living with Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis.

This will be a HUGE challenge for me as I struggle with the daily fatigue of ulcerative colitis, and it would really help me to know that I have your support. it works out to 5km per day and i would love it if you could manage a small donation (your daily coffee?), to keep me motivated!

All proceeds go towards Crohn's & Colitis Australia's support services, research initiatives, education and advocacy programs for the Crohn's and Colitis community. i’ve chosen the $500 goal, as it really resonated with me - helping to empower children and teens to live fearlessly with this disease. i was diagnosed at 21, which was tough enough… but I couldn’t even fathom going through my childhood and adolescent years, navigating this somewhat invisible illness. 

if you can’t donate (i completely understand times are tough, thanks inflation), please take a look at the CCA website and learn as much as you can about Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative colitis and help raise awareness and understanding.

My Achievements

Created a Blog Post

Profile Pic Uploaded

Shared Page on Social

Sent Email

Halfway to your $ goal

Reached your $ goal

Halfway to your KM goal

Reached KM goal

My Updates


I/we started with a fundraising goal of $500 personally/ $1000 as a team, with the focus on raising funds to support essential research into the prevalence and impact of IBD. I/we am absolutely blown away and feeling so grateful that you helped me/us reach that goal. 


I/we are optimistic that we can do more, so I/we have raised the team goal to $2000. Thank you again so much for your generous donations, and support. I/we appreciate every one of you, especially for taking the time to read my post and understand a little more about Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis! OK & AC xx

Thank you to my Sponsors


Gina Kalogeras


Emma Murphy

So proud of you Olympia xxx


Adrian Costaganna


Kaitlin Barnsley

You are doing great things girl xx


Eugene Kim


Harry Arvanitis

Go Olympic Go !


Gabriele & Pauline Costaganna