Team Spoonies

Our total team activity 152kms

We're living fearlessly this September by participating in the Live Fearless Challenge 2023

We're getting active to achieve 150kms and raise awareness and much needed funds for Australians living with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

As we challenge ourselves to reach these goals during September, it would really help us to know that we have your support. If you can rally behind us with even a small donation, it would motivate us through the month and keep my spirits high.

All proceeds go towards Crohn's & Colitis Australia's support services, research initiatives, education and advocacy programs for the Crohn's and colitis community.

Thank you and see you at the finish line!

Thank you to our Sponsors


Rachele Schonberger

Go Girl!


Robert Schonberger

Go Girl!



Wishing well.



Wishing well.


Daniel Hilton

Good on your Danya.



Good luck



Good luck





Go Danya!


The Green Family!







Sasha Dreyer

Sending lots of love always xxx


Christina Bennett

Best of luck Kiara & team! :-)



Go Danya go!


Eitan Scher

Sending you love and health from the other side of the world! Miss ya 🤙


Scott Pavitt