Quick simple workouts for home

12 Aug 2021

As we have entered another lockdown, sustaining physical activity is pivotal to maintaining physical and mental well-being. With no access to gyms, there are ways to maintain your fitness. Here are some exercises to keep staying physically active in the comfort of your own home without equipment.  


Fantastic for building core and upper body strength, push-ups are done by putting your chest and stomach on the ground, legs straighten out, and arms bent to 45 degrees. Then, use your arms to bring you up and down. Do as many times as you can within a 30 second period, take a rest for 30 seconds, then try again. 

Bodyweight squats

Squats are done by putting your feet just a little further than hip-width apart, stretching your arms out, and shifting your weight onto your heels. Continue to drop your weight until your hips get closer to the ground. You will feel it in your glutes and thighs. Go as far as your body will let you go. Do as many as you can, rest for 30 seconds, then go again.  

Jumping Jacks

Great for increasing your heart rate, jumping jacks are a great full-body workout. Start with your feet together, hands by your side. Then, jump and lift your arms over your head and clap your hands. Next, bring your hands and feet back together and repeat this process. Try to do as many as you can for 30 seconds, take a short rest, then go again. 


Great for weight loss and building stability. Start with having your feet hip width apart; take a big step forward with one leg. Then, put most of your weight on your front foot, keeping your foot flat and as you lower your hips, lifting the back heel. Next, drop your back knee until it almost touches the ground, with your front knee staying bent and keep your back straight. Finally, push yourself back up from your front foot into a standing position. Try to do ten repetitions for each leg.  


Great exercise for the core and lower back; start with getting into a push-up position, putting your forearms on the ground and line your elbows. Next, tighten your abdominals whilst making sure to keep your back straight from head to toe. Hold that position for as long as you can to gradually build your core strength. 

Step up onto a chair

Excellent for fat burning, building balance and lower leg strength. All the step-up requires is the chair to be facing in front of you, being a couple feet away. Step up with your dominant foot and come down with the opposite foot that you used. Use each leg for each repetition when you are stepping up. Depending on your fitness level, you can mix up the intensity. Try doing this for 60 seconds. 

Wall sit

Start with your back against the wall with your feet shoulder-width apart, a few feet from the wall. Slowly slide back down the wall until your thighs are parallel with the ground. Make sure your feet and knees are above your ankles whilst keeping your back straight. Hold this position for as long as you can, slide back up the wall, take a 60-second break and go again. Great for building strength in your legs. 

High knees running in place

First, lift your right arm and left foot simultaneously. Then, do the same with your left arm and right foot, ensuring that your knees get to your hips. Like the step-up, you can change your intensity depending on your fitness. Try to do this for 30 seconds, then take a 30-second break and go again. A great exercise to help you lose weight, build your core and leg muscles. 

Tricep dip on a chair

Great for the building of arms and tricep muscles. Start with sitting at the end of the chair, put your arms shoulder-width apart. Next, lower your elbows and hips to the floor as far as you can go. Anything stable like a couch or bench is good to use also. Do not push yourself too far down, as you could do damage to your arms and shoulders. Do this for three sets of ten repetitions with a 30-second break in between.  


Fantastic for building your core, start with lying on your back and plant your feet hip-width apart whilst bending your knees. Make sure to place your arms across your chest. Using your core, lifting your upper body very slowly, then go back to the resting position. It is pivotal to use your abdominal muscles and to go slow as going fast can potentially hurt your neck. Do as many as you can, take 30 seconds, then go again. 


Yoga is fantastic for not just improving overall flexibility but for decreasing anxiety and stress levels. Being flexible is essential for your body to get fewer injuries, improving posture and balance for the long term. Nevertheless, stretching is necessary when frequently exercising to avoid significant injuries. Some common yoga stretches are downward-facing dog and triangle pose.  

Try to combine all these workouts with either walking or running. Research shows that cardiovascular exercise is excellent for helping increasing metabolism and long-term health. In addition, getting outside helps get Vitamin D which is known to help strengthen your immune system and overall mood.  

It is important, especially in these crazy times to ensure that your maintaining activity, building your immune system to stay fit and healthy.